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Non-Ragging Channel Mixer (NRC)

A non-ragging static channel mixer for dosing additives into wastewater including raw sewage.  The Statiflo NRC Mixer has been designed specifically for P removal applications but can equally be used on any chemical dosing service on raw sewage where non-ragging properties are essential.  It has a unique variable geometry custom designed for the widest range of wastewater velocities and channel depths found on a typical wastewater treatment plant.

Statiflo NRC Mixers have been installed since 2008 and have consistently remained rag free and have required no maintenance.
The mixer’s non-ragging design features:
  • Variable angle control vanes tuned to optimise performance within tight headloss constraints
  • Manual or automatic (power required) control vane options
  • Integral accessible sparger for chemical injection
  • Subsurface fixed vanes to boost mixing at low depth
  • Designed for easy installation in live open channels
  • Design adaptable for a wide range of channel sizes, aspect ratios, water depths and flowrates
  • No direct power requirements for mixing

Upgrading from commonly occurring dosing, using an open ended pipe, to a Statiflo NRC Mixer will provide many process benefits:

  • Very significant chemical savings
  • Improved primary sedimentation tank performance
  • Reduced BOD load
  • Higher sludge concentrations
  • Reduced Fe concentration in final effluent / sludge
  • Reduced or eliminated channel staining
  • Substantial cost savings
Statiflo Non-Ragging Channel Mixer
Statiflo NRC Mixer with blades fully raised above the Top Water Level
Statiflo NRC Mixer with blades submerged below the water level
  • World Leading Mixing Technology  – available in a non-ragging channel design

The Statiflo Non-Ragging Channel Static Mixer uses the same mixing technology as the Statiflo Non-Ragging Pipe Mixer, with customised geometry suitable for a channel.

  • Available for all channel, duct or conduit sizes

The minium channel size available is 0.3m wide x 0.3m depth but there is no maximum limit on size. Statiflo have supplied some of the largest static mixers in the world, with current installation ranging all the way up to 7m wide x 5m depth.

  • Modular design means any channel aspect ratio is possible

Whether the channel or duct is square, narrow and deep, wide and shallow, or anywhere in between Statiflo’s specially developed modual element design means a suitable solution can be offered for any space requiring mixing.

  • Materials to suit your requirements

Mixers available in all commercial available metallic materials including stainless steel, Alloy C276 or high grade duplex and super duplex stainless steels.

  • Performance Guarantee

Every Statiflo Non-Ragging Inline Static Mixer comes with guaranteed performance. Our static mixer designs have been extensively and rigorously tested under industry-realistic conditions to allow us to guarantee the mixing performance and the head loss across the mixer. If required Statiflo can perform CFD simulations for specific conditions.

  • Testing Standards

A full visual inspection is carried out on each unit before it leaves our premises, along with a dimensional check and any other testing which is required.

  • Design Codes and Standards

Available design codes include ASME B31.3, ASME VIII div 1, AD2000 Merkblatt, PED2014/68/EU and many others to suit your requirements.

  • Complete with Statiflo’s Standard Documentation Set

Your Static Inline Mixers will come complete with customised GA Drawing, 3.1 Material Certification, a Certificate of Conformity and one copy of our Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual.

  • Warranty Period

As standard, Statiflo offers a warranty of 12 months from plant commissioning or 18 months from equipment delivery, whichever is the sooner. Extended warranties can be supplied upon request.

  • Spare Parts / Special Tools

Statiflo products have no moving parts there is no requirement for expensive spares or special tools.

  • Supervision for Installation and Commissioning

The ‘plug and play’ design means there is no requirement for supervision for installation or commissioning. The extremely simple installation is covered entirely by the Installation, Operation & Maintenance manual supplied with each order.

If you would feel more comfortable having guidance on-site, Statiflo can send one of our highly qualified engineers to guide and supervise the installation to give you the confidence that everything is done correctly.


Mixer Sizing Questionnaires


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    Contact us today to find out more

    The above is a brief over of the Statiflo Non-Ragging Channel Mixer.

    For further details and information on this product or any others, please complete the attached contact form or visit our contact us page to get in touch with us.

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