We have come a long way as a company. Originally founded in a spare bedroom…

Statiflo Continue: Regrettably but inevitably a number of major international conferences and exhibitions which members of the Statiflo team were due to attend have been postponed or cancelled because of the coronavirus outbreak.
However, rest assured that when rescheduled events do take place we’ll be there to showcase our range of innovative products, including static mixers and gas dispersion systems.
In the meantime, and despite the disruption and uncertainty caused by the pandemic, we are pleased to say we are continuing to operate as normal.
We have plans in place to cover all eventualities, including a total lockdown, with our staff geared up to work flexibly or from home if and when government advice changes.
In this way we will still be able to continue to service our customer base and our business representatives around the globe.
The affected conferences and exhibitions are:
The South Carolina Environmental Conference 2020 at the Sheraton Myrtle Beach Convention Centre from March 18-20. This has been suspended and the organisers are assessing whether to rearrange or cancel the event.
The API Spring Committee on Petroleum Measurement Standards, due to take place in Dallas from March 23-27, has been cancelled.
Texas Water 2020, scheduled to be held at Fort Worth from March 31-April 3. This has been rearranged for July 13-16.
IFAT, which was due to take place in Munich from May 4-8, is now scheduled to go ahead from September 7-11.
The ChemUK Expo at Event City in Manchester, planned for May 13-14, has been postponed until September 16-17.
To keep up-to-date with the latest developments affecting the programme of exhibitions and conferences, please ensure you regularly check our Exhibition Programme web page.
Statiflo continue, but should you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact us.