Our visit to IFAT 2022 proved a great success as we reconnected face-to-face with contacts,…

A warm Statiflo welcome to some of our newest Business Partners. We are constantly expanding our global reach, with our Business Partners an integral part of our goal.
Silcarbon Ukraine LLC, KM Innovation Inc, Universal Technical Solutions Company (UTESCO) and PT Weebz Mandiri have all joined the Statiflo team to bring our market leading products to you.
Silcarbon Ukraine will manage Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova, with Central Asia also coming under their scope including Armenia, Azerbaijan, Gerogia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.
KM Innovation Inc will work with Statiflo in South Korea, and have been operating successfully in this market for over 10 years providing qualiy services to customers in a variety of industries.
Universal Technical Solutions Company (UTESCO) will operate in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, providing solutions and support in a key market for Statiflo with lots of high profile customers.
PT Weebz Mandiri will support Statiflo in the Oil & Gas industry in Indonesia, an emerging market with a great deal of potential. PT Weebz Mandiri have signifcant experience in providing process solutions and equipment into this industry, where QA/QC requirements can often be extensive.
We trust that our new Business Partners can help to support you to get the equipment you need for your process. If you aren’t sure which of our Business Partners you should contact, please search our Business Partners table by country and then choose the relevant Business Partner by industry. If you can’t find your country, please contact Statiflo International directly.