Static Mixers Vs Dynamic Mixers: Which Is Right For Your Process? In many industrial applications,…

Statiflo International, the specialists and market leaders in the supply of static inline mixers for the water industry, are pleased to announce they have been awarded the sole-supply framework agreement with Scottish Water for the supply of static mixers for the next six years.
This agreement is a continuation of the previous two frameworks when Statiflo were in a “mini competition” with other suppliers. It demonstrates the confidence Scottish Water has in the products and services provided by Statiflo and the performance results achieved from installing their static pipe and channel mixers during the last 10 years.
Examples of this are the process improvements and chemical cost savings achieved after recently installing an open channel mixer for mixing alum on a water treatment works in Ayrshire. The plant performance improved by providing better pH control to the filters and, in addition, alum consumption was optimised, resulting in a £35,000.00 per year saving – the mixer paying for itself within 6 months. This is typical of many Statiflo mixers supplied on similar applications throughout the UK.
Statiflo work very closely with Scottish Water and their contractors by providing design consultation at their offices or on site to ensure the correct mixer is selected with the highest mixing efficiency.
Inline MixersMixing in Wastewater TreatmentStatic Mixer Water TreatmentStatic MixersWaste Water Tank MixersWastewater AgitatorWastewater Treatment MixersWastewater Treatment Plant MixersWater Treatment Mixers