Our visit to IFAT 2022 proved a great success as we reconnected face-to-face with contacts,…

Statiflo Ozone Gas Dispersion System: Statiflo has supplied two GDS packages to the City of Frankfort to augment the existing ozonation system on its waste water treatment facility. Statiflo equipment was chosen for its simple operation, low power draw, low headloss and high mass transfer efficiency.
The ozonation system was updated with oxygen based generators supplied by Ozonia. The existing dome diffuser system in parallel contact chambers could not meet future ozone demand and flow conditions. To meet the new operating conditions, two 36” (900mm) diameter Statiflo Mixer/Contactors were installed, each complete with a single proprietary side loop for ozone injection, comprising pump, eductor and predispersing static mixer.
The parallel train systems are designed to handle up to a combined maximum waste water flow of 38 MGD (6000 m3/h). At low flow conditions, the dome diffusers are capable of supplying the required ozone, however, at higher flows ozone demand exceeds the mass transfer capability of the dome diffusers. The Statiflo GDS packages are then operated ahead of the contact chambers to provide the extra ozone required to meet the disinfection requirement.
The Statiflo Ozone Gas Dispersion System has been in successful operation since 2008 and has achieved transfer efficiencies of 95% or better.